Let’s rewind… I woke up this morning, looked at the clock, and was shocked that we had slept in so late. “What a treat”… now I am rethinking that statement. “I thought I was finally getting somewhere with this whole schedule thing.” I told my mom on the phone.
My mom’s quote of the day: “There is no such thing as a consistent schedule with a baby. Someone has sold you a phony bill of goods. Motherhood is about being flexible.” (Mom: I hope I quoted you correctly I tried to call you back to double check but no answer.)
So, I have to be flexible, yet rigid. I don’t know if I will ever catch on, and if I do I am sure it will be too late.
Moral of the day: Get up on time or pay the price. Price: Loss of first nap and get ready for the day time also known as the beloved shower.
Now that Hammy is on his way to napping I am posting this and then off to the shower to re-begin my day.